Wednesday, April 20, 2011

450. Amazing Coincidence or Kismet?

Last month I joined an online artists group that is focused on creating and exchanging Artists Trading Cards (ATC's).  ATC's are the same size as a baseball trading card (2 1/2" x 3 1/2") and each card is an original piece of art.  Artists can use any medium to create a card: painting, collage, photography, sewing, glass fusing,etc. etc. Some ATC's are fine art, and some, well, some just aren't!  Just like any art, I guess. Some you like, and some you don't.  ATC's are created strictly to exchange and trade with other members, either in person or by mail, and are never to be sold.  Any member of the online group I joined can create a themed exchange and handle the collection and redistribution of the cards.  In this exchange, the theme was "Favorite Colors" and each artist was asked to create 4 original cards in their favorite color or color combination and send them to the coordinator in California.  After receiving all the ATC's in the mail, the coordinate keeps 1 card from each artist, and RANDOMLY mails 3 cards back to each participating artist. Each participating artist then has 3 new and unique cards for their collection.  The 4 cards I created were primarily pink with a hint of orange here and there, with no reference to the LAKP project - no locks or keys in any way on the cards. Because this is an online exchange, the coordinator does not personally know any of the participants, nor does he or she know anything about their art.  Just to be clear, the coordinator who sent me 3 random cards does not know me!  Soooooooo, drum roll, please, 
this is one of the cards she sent me, and the very first one I saw when I opened my much awaited return envelope: 

I hope that you appreciate the very amazing stroke of fate, kismet, destiny or whatever you want to call it that made the coordinator send me THIS piece!
So, anyway, I IMMEDIATELY weatherized the piece, and hung it on the LAKP fence.
Receiving this in the mail made me feel that my work on the LAKP is something that is just meant to be.  I'm not a writer, and I know I've gone on and on about this, but it really meant "something" to me.  
 I'm so happy to be a part of this project, and so happy your are enjoying being a part of it too!

More on Artists Trading Cards:

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