Thursday, February 16, 2012

1,284. Recent Additions To The Fence.....

Attention Locks and Keys Project Fans and "Guest Artists", 

I know that there have been many additions of beautiful and thoughtful art to the fence recently.  I know because I've seen you all out there adding pieces, as have all my studio-mates.  For some reason, maybe because there are >1,500 locks and keys on the fence, I am having a hard time finding your pieces and photographing them for the blog.  I miss being able to find the new messages, and sharing them with the world.

Here's a request:  If you've put a piece on the fence, or are going to put a piece on the fence, can you take a phone photo of it, and send it to me?  If you do that, I will post the photo, and you can find it here on the blog.  Please send your photos to: 

I'd really appreciate your help on this, and as always, THANKS for taking such an interest in this project and creating such incredible heartfelt messages. 
