Saturday, October 29, 2011

1,217. Webster Avenue Nursery School - "What do you love?"

Around 40 children from the WANS helped to create
the following pieces for the
Locks and Keys Project.
Because the children are only 3 and 4 years old, 
their words and messages were transcribed by their teachers.
Here is what the children were told by their teachers
about the project to help them think about what message
or thought they wanted to share: 

We showed the children the photos you enclosed and
told them that you are an artist.
We told them you work with glass, and beads, and clay and paint.
We also explained that art could be anything that they create or imagine and
                                      we spoke about the idea you could send messages with your art.
We asked them for some ideas about what they would like their art to tell people.
We finally decided that it would be
"What do you love?"

These pieces are so special!
Teachers and Students 
for giving this such time, effort, thought and love!

Student Posts:  1,172 - 1,211
Teacher & Staff Posts:  1,212 - 1,216

Enjoy, and if you or anyone you know would like to be a part
of the Locks and Keys Project
I'd be happy to mail you the supplies to participate.
It's a cool way to send a birthday greeting, congratulate
someone for a job well done, or share a secret.
Just email me and I'll send you everything you
need - all FREE of charge! 

1,216. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,215. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,214. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,213. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,212. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,211. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,210. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,209. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,208. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,207. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,206. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,205. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,204. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,203. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,202. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,201. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,200. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,199. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,198. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,197. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,196. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,195. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,194. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,193. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,192. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,191. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,190. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,189. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,188. On The Fence 10-29-11

1, 187. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,186. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,185. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,184. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,183. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,182. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,181. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,180. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,179. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,178. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,177. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,176. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,173 B. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,175. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,174. On The Fence 10-29-11

1,173 A. On The Fence 10-29-11

Thursday, October 27, 2011

1,173. Webster Avenue Nursery School - Coming Soon!

 I've received all your beautiful pieces, but between wind, rain and snow (?) today,
I haven't been able to get them on the fence yet.
Soon.............keep checking back!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

1,172. Natick Artists Open Studios - All Photos POSTED!

Thanks for your patience everyone.  I've posted photos of all the pieces
I was able to identify from this past weekend.
There were 53 new pieces added (THANK YOU!)
and if you don't see yours, please write me and let me know.
Tell me approximately where you hung it,
and what the message was, and I will hunt it down and get it up here.

Great great art, and wonderful, heartfelt messages.
I'm so happy you all decided to be a part of this project! 
