Saturday, March 26, 2011

407. Zdravo če že hočete! v svoj Slovenija izredna profesura

izreči dobrodošlico v zaporničar ter sklepnik načrt blog.
imel sem ljubezen imeti vi udeležiti se česa to načrt. če vi hoteti všeč biti ugajati email mi vaš ogovor ter bom poslal vi neki kits v celoten.
upanje čuti s vi.


*Note:  I used an online translator to try to say: 
"Welcome readers from Slovenia.  If you would like to be a part of
this project, please email me and I will send you the
supplies needed to participate. "
I HOPE that's what it says!

Friday, March 25, 2011

406. St. Patrick's Day Dance @ The Cole Center/Natick Recreation Department

Getting ready to hang the pieces................

The St. Patrick's Day section of the fence.

St. Patrick's Day Dance section - upper right (green-green-green!!!!)

405. On The Fence 03-25-11

404. On The Fence 03-25-11

403. On The Fence 03-25-11

Because.......when you do what you love, 
the world needs it.
*not a great shot of the back.  check back and I'll try to photograph again.

Friday, March 18, 2011

402. Just Back From The St. Patrick's Day Dance.....

I've just got home from the
St. Patrick's Day Dance
at the Cole Center in Natick.
What an incredible night!
Everyone worked so hard on their pieces and did such a great job.
I can't wait to see them hanging on the fence.
I'm leaving on vacation at 4:00 AM tomorrow morning,
so won't be able to hang, photograph and post all the 
wonderful LAK's that were created tonight until I get back,
but I did want you to see some of the photo's from the dance:

401. YEH! Great Article Online Today!

Please check out the NatickPatch online for a great article
about the
Locks and Keys Project

Thank you Jeanne Williamson for writing such a splendid story
about this wonderful project!